The T&T annual Photographic competition is open to photographers of all ages and all skill levels, both professional, hobbyists and amateurs who are Trinidad and Tobago nationals or who live in Trinidad and Tobago. Cash prizes for the 1st place winners in each adult category are TT$2000 and in each under-18 category TT$1000. Three bonus prizes of TT$1000 will be awarded to the top scoring image in each of adult and Under-18 competitions along with the overall favourite image voted by the public. To enter the competition you must be a current paid-up member of the Trinidad and Tobago Photographic Society (ttps). All images must be submitted in electronic form by the deadline date of Friday 26th July 2019. 100 images are chosen by the shortlisting panel. The 100 shortlisted images will be printed and framed by the photographer and exhibited at the annual exhibition 4th to 8th September 2019 at the Art society of Trinidad and Tobago. All shortlisted images are entered into the second round of judging and prizes are awarded in each category.


Submit your images into one of our categories for a chance to win. Adults and under 18’s will be judged separately. The seven adult categories are: Digital Art Photography – for images that have been digitally altered or manipulated in significant ways. People & Portraits – human and non-human portraits are welcome. Landscape – urban, rural or jungle, any type of outdoor landscape. Weddings – professional or amateur, all images of weddings in any form. Nature – anything natural or relating to the natural world. Sports – professional or amateur, all images relating to sport in any form. Open – everything goes in this category, there are no guidelines.

The five Under-18 categories are: Digital Art Photography, People & Portraits, Landscape, Nature & Open.


Submissions for the 2019 Annual Photographic Competition open on Monday 1st July and close on Friday 26th July at 5pm. You must be a paid up member of the TTPS to be eligible to take part in the competition. If you are not a member you must join the ttps before entering (LINK TO MEMBERSHIP PAGE). All images are entered online in digital form (link to enter here page). Each entry costs TT$75 (or $30 if you are less than 18 years of age on 4th September 2019). You are required to pay with a credit card for each image that you submit, along with a name and short description (if you wish) for your entry. You may submit up to three entries in a category and a maximum of ten entries throughout all categories in total.